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Vini Manzocco

Viale Roma, angolo Via Colombar - 34071 Cormons (GO) - Friuli Venezia Giulia



Mobile phone +39.338.3147808
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In the beginning he was grandfather Amedeo. She was born on August 14, 1892, in Nimis, by Giovanni Battista and Angela Comelli. Where ramandolo was born, they toasted with the best Verduzzo, virtually transferring - as they used to - the peasant flavor and the art of the vineyard and wine. From father to son, then as now. Then came war, misery, emigration. Udine, 25 January 1927... and leave to find in Australia what the 'Little Homeland of Friuli' could not give him. But the ticket, fortunately for him, was not one-way. He worked hard and saved enough to return to his lands, as a protagonist. Cormòns peasant welcomed him well - it was the year 1930 - and Amedeo planted the first vines of Tocai at the foot of Mount Quarin, where the 'Collio' joins with the best of the 'Isonzo'. Then came Giulio... When - in 1964 - the Consortium for the Protection of Collio Wines was founded, the Manzocco Family, with over one hundred hectoliters of good D.O.C. wine, was already among the most interesting realities of the territory. With the ideal handover - from grandparents to my father Giulio and mother Liliana - the new important era of Manzocco began. And finally... The first bottling began, the great satisfactions, the customers (including many foreigners) became friends; the family grew and, well harmonizing the seasons of work with those of loves, it was completed with my brother Roberto (more suited to studies) and with me, Dario, who love the land and look forward with enthusiasm, respecting the strong traditions handed down to me over time. I 'Friuli Austriaco': It was in Cormòns that on August 12, 1866 the Italo-Austrian armistice was signed that would have brought the border of the Empire to the Judrio stream; a few meters, therefore, from our company. Different languages, customs and customs - respected by the governments of the time - but also the availability of the large Austrian markets, allowed the populations a relative well-being. From Cormòns were destined to the Courts and to the catering of the big cities all the first fruits (plums, cherries, peaches, grapes but, above all, the great wines Tocai, Ribolla gialla, Malvasia etc.). So it was until the First World War. After the renunciation, in the 60s, of the Slavonian oak, also for the progressive conversion of the vineyards with white grape varieties, the vitrified cement tank was privileged; this was later joined by several stainless steel wine jars for a more correct management of the vinification phase - fermentation at controlled temperature - and storage. Considering the good results obtained - in particular with the Friulian Verduzzo and Merlot - with the aging in oak barrels French, this experience is also being deepened with regard to various varieties or blends, both from white and red grapes. We also invite you to visit the page of the Agriturismo Al Benandant.
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