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Monastero Santi Pietro e Paolo di Germagno

Località Giardino della Risurrezione - 28887 Germagno (VB) - Piemonte


Telephone +39.0323.866832
Mobile phone +39.371.3741741


The Monastery of Saints Peter and Paul in Germagno is a Benedictine priory of the Sublacense-Cassinese Congregation and was founded in 1971. Located on the slopes of Mount Massone, it juts out, as if from a natural balcony, over Lake Orta. The community is currently made up of eleven brother monks who have been joined by eight 'brothers and sisters in the world', and a sister who lives more directly a monastic commitment near the Monastery. The monastery, as the house of God, of which the monks themselves are the first guests, remains a place where everyone can draw refreshment and peace. Men and women can thus share this atmosphere of listening in order to reinvigorate their daily journey, through a brief stop in the chapel that is ordinarily open, a meeting with a brother or the hospitality that the community offers for one or more days. The most important sector is agriculture, which includes, in addition to the care of the garden and the forest to make them welcoming and pleasant, the recovery of ancient terraces, their reclamation and the cultivation of undergrowth and fruit. Given the location of the Monastery at 730 meters above sea level and the characteristics of the soil, blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, white currants, red currants, but also apples, pears, plums, peaches, quinces, medlars, rhubarb, etc., are grown. A workshop engages some brothers in the transformation of this fruit into jam, which is placed on the market to give sustenance to the community. The guest is invited to participate in the daily life of the community, sharing the atmosphere of silence and solitude, liturgical prayer, manual work and meals. This sharing, balanced according to the guest himself and his needs, constitutes the particular form of 'spiritual exercises' that the community offers to its guests, who are in any case accompanied, during the period of their stay in the monastery, by a brother. To take advantage of this hospitality, a telephone agreement is required and it is normally preferable to have a short meeting in advance to get to know each other and assess the needs of each one. Larger groups or families who wish to benefit above all from the prayer life of the community or a meeting with a brother on a theme pertaining to our life and our research, can be welcomed for the duration of one day, but without the possibility of receiving a meal. Groups wishing to stay for several days can be accommodated in a renovated hut near the monastery. The structure will be entrusted to self-management, accompanied, however, in the immersion in the atmosphere of prayer by a brother. Honey, jams, marmalades and creams, spirits are just some of the typical products that you will find in our online shop, all strictly produced in our Monastery. What makes our products special? The fact that they are produced and packaged in the Monastery of Germagno according to ancient traditions and recipes of the monks. Since 2017, the Monastery has been the head of a beautiful project, which has now become a reality, which unites under the name 'Sapori e Delizie' companies in their area that produce, transform and market typical Piedmontese products in the restaurant industry. It is a multi-product supply chain that aims to enhance the characteristics of the territory by focusing on small fruits, honey, some typical vegetables (the Quarna potato), milk derivatives and meat. The inclusion in the supply chain of companies in the processing, marketing, catering and hotel hospitality segment aims to help producers to think about their business not only from their point of view, but to learn to listen to those who grasp the demand. This will help all partners to direct their investments and choices in a different and more efficient way. One of the objectives of the project is to create new products for hotel catering (jams, honey and juices in single-dose format), to start a mini-dairy for milk processing and to support the meat supply chain with a processing laboratory for the production of sausages.


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